The metaverse is a concept that represents a shared virtual space created through virtual reality and blockchain technologies. In the metaverse, users can interact with each other and digital objects in real time, forming unique socio-cultural and economic systems. It is a space where the boundaries between the virtual and physical worlds blur, allowing participants to conduct business, play games, learn, and socialize.

Modern metaverses radically differ from traditional virtual reality (VR) experiences by offering a more integrated environment based on blockchain, decentralization, and social interaction. VR typically refers to devices that provide immersive experiences through visual and auditory senses, mainly driven by the gaming industry. While traditional VR often involves users passively observing the environment or participating in games, metaverses grant access to expansive ecosystems where individuals can not only be spectators but also creators of content. These virtual spaces offer opportunities for not just gaming but also working, socializing, learning, and spending time with friends—all while maintaining digital ownership and identity.

Moreover, in 2024, metaverses focus on user interaction and the ability to create unique content. Users can actively shape the world by creating unique objects, contributing to the economy, and building communities, which leads to a more dynamic and personalized experience. While traditional virtual worlds often feature fixed scenarios and content, metaverses aim to become endless platforms that evolve alongside their users. This new paradigm of interaction opens up limitless opportunities for creativity and social engagement, transforming our perception of virtuality and its potential. The psychology of metaverse users is a fascinating and multifaceted subject that deserves attention, as it changes our perception of reality, social interactions, and even self-identity.

According to Gartner’s forecasts, by 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse. Users will participate in virtual events and conferences, schoolchildren and students will study in virtual environments, and it will be possible to buy virtual real estate or shop for goods within these virtual worlds.

The most prominent examples of metaverses

Metaverses like Meta, Decentraland, and The Sandbox represent different approaches to creating virtual worlds, each with its own unique features and goals that make them stand out.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is actively developing the Horizon Worlds project — an interactive metaverse focused on social interactions and creativity. Users can use their avatars to interact with others, visit various virtual locations, and participate in shared events.

Horizon Worlds is available on Oculus Quest VR devices (virtual reality headset), allowing users to fully immerse themselves in the metaverse atmosphere. The platform offers intuitive content creation tools, so even users without programming skills can build their own worlds and objects. Horizon Worlds provides a variety of opportunities for interaction and entertainment: users can design and create spaces, communicate with friends, attend large virtual events (such as concerts, conferences, and exhibitions), explore other worlds, unique areas and develop their own projects.

Another metaverse, Decentraland, is built on Ethereum blockchain technology. It offers users the ability to purchase land plots in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and then build various structures on them, such as houses, showrooms, playgrounds, and even entire cities.

A similarly well-known project, The Sandbox, takes it a step further by offering tools to create 3D content, allowing users without programming skills to develop their own games and applications. The Sandbox is structured in a way that allows any user to help expand the metaverse: creating characters and objects, managing virtual assets, organizing digital spaces, modifying game environments, and more.

How the metaverse affects our brain

Interacting with these digital worlds influences our brains, altering the way we perceive information and communicate in the real world. Immersion in virtual reality activates certain areas of the brain responsible for perception and emotions, which can lead to more vivid and enriched experiences. Metaverse users may experience a sense of presence and empathy while interacting with other people’s avatars, fostering social connections even in the absence of physical contact and enabling emotions that might not be accessible or possible in the real world.

On the other hand, prolonged exposure to virtual environments can also have negative effects on mental health. Overindulgence in the metaverse can lead to isolation, reduced physical activity, and a disruption in balancing virtual and real life. Research suggests that excessive use of virtual technologies can trigger anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It is important to be aware of these risks and aim for a balanced use of the metaverse’s opportunities to maintain mental well-being and lead a fulfilling life in both worlds.

Social Interactions

The metaverse introduces new formats for social interaction. Users can communicate, collaborate, and engage with each other regardless of geographical boundaries. This fosters the formation of global communities where people with shared interests can join various events, activities, or projects. However, such anonymity can sometimes lead to isolation and even toxic behavior, as users may feel freer in virtual spaces than in real life.

Self-Identification and Self-Expression

Another significant topic is the impact of the metaverse on one's self-identity. Virtual avatars allow users to choose how they present themselves in the digital space. This can become a powerful tool for self-expression and exploring different aspects of one’s personality that might not emerge in real life. However, it’s important to remember that this freedom of expression can also lead to a loss of self-awareness and complicate the concept of “self” in the eyes of others.

Emotional State and Mental Health

How users interact with virtual worlds also affects their emotional well-being. For example, engaging with the metaverse can ease feelings of loneliness and help people who experience social difficulties. At the same time, excessive involvement in virtual reality may lead to addiction and worsen mental health. It’s important to be mindful of the boundaries and balance between virtual and real life to avoid negative consequences.

Use of metaverses in psychotherapy

Virtual spaces offer a unique environment where patients can feel more comfortable and open, which is especially critical for those who experience fear or discomfort in conventional therapeutic settings. Immersion in the metaverse allows therapists to create simulations that help clients work through various situations and scenarios, significantly expanding the scope of psychotherapy techniques. For instance, virtual reality can be used to address phobias or traumatic experiences in a safe and controlled environment.

Moreover, metaverses improve access to psychotherapeutic services, especially for people living in remote areas or those with mobility issues. Virtual environments enable sessions in avatar form, helping participants establish a connection and interact on a level that may not be accessible in real life. However, it’s important to note that such technologies cannot fully replace traditional methods, and their use should be carefully monitored by a qualified professional.

The future of psychology in the metaverse

As the metaverse evolves, it’s essential to understand how these virtual worlds will continue to reshape our perceptions. While technology advances, users will encounter new challenges and opportunities. Therefore, studying the psychology of metaverse users requires consideration of the cultural and social factors that will shape their behavior in this space.

The future of metaverses promises to be exciting, but it also brings challenges and risks that must be addressed. One of the main concerns is data security. In virtual spaces, users share personal information, and with rising cybercrime, protecting this data becomes critically important. Data breaches and misuse can lead not only to financial losses but also to severe psychological consequences for users. There is also a risk of addiction to virtual worlds, which could negatively affect mental health and social relationships if the balance between real and virtual life is disrupted.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider the social and ethical aspects of metaverses. As these spaces become more integrated into our daily lives, questions arise regarding content regulation and interactions. A serious concern is the potential for misinformation and discrimination in virtual environments. Also, there is a risk of increasing digital inequality, where access to metaverses becomes a privilege only for certain groups. To ensure a positive future for metaverses, it’s essential to have open discussions about these risks and actively develop measures to minimize them while maintaining core principles of safety and fairness.

Understanding the psychology of virtual world users can help us better adapt to new conditions and leverage their potential for personal and social growth. However, it’s crucial to remember that this also comes with responsibility — both to ourselves and to society. Creating a safe and supportive metaverse is only possible with active analysis of its impact on the human psyche.