Introducing the Business Split Token 2.0, in which bonuses for the sales of most products in Ultima Business are paid out. BSP 2.0 is the token of the Business Pool 2.0, which allows you to get rewards by freezing BSP 2.0 tokens.

Before you start working with the pool, we would like to draw your attention to a few important points:

  1. Any action involving the freezing or unfreezing of BSP 2.0 tokens will reset the waiting time for previously frozen BSP 2.0 tokens in the wallet from which the payment was made. The waiting time is 24 hours. For example, if you received a reward 20 hours ago and had 4 hours left until the next one, freezing or unfreezing BSP 2.0 will reset the reward waiting time to 24 hours.
  2. From the previous point follows an important rule: before freezing tokens, request your reward.

Where do I use the BSP token 2.0

Alongside VIP SPLIT, PREMIUM SPLIT, BOOSTER SPLIT and other tokens, the BSP 2.0 token participates in Ultima splitting. Splitting takes place in the Smart Wallet according to standard rules: the more BSP a user has, the larger the potential Ultima reward.

The reward for holding BSP 2.0 tokens can be claimed daily. It is important to note that both freezing and unfreezing BSP 2.0 tokens reset their age.

How do I start splitting the BSP 2.0 token? 

To begin, you need to withdraw BSP 2.0 from the dashboard. To do this, in your personal account on the Ultima Business website, select the Payouts section from the left menu. Choose the BSP 2.0 balance. After that, click the NEXT STEP button.

A window will open where you will need to specify the amount of tokens you want to withdraw and the address of your wallet (you can copy the address in the Smart Wallet). Enter the quantity of tokens to be withdrawn, paste the copied address, and click the Transfer button.

After that, a window will open where you need to enter the two-factor authentication code. Open the Google Authenticator app and enter the code you received in the app into the corresponding field.

If you do everything correctly, you will see a message that the token withdrawal request has been created.

Done! You have completed the payout of BSP 2.0 tokens. 

Now open your Smart Wallet. In the list of available assets, find BSP 2.0 and click on it:

To participate in splitting, you first need to freeze BSP 2.0 tokens. Click on the freeze icon shaped like a snowflake:

Before starting the freezing process, please note an important rule: any action involving the freezing or unfreezing of BSP 2.0 tokens resets the reward waiting time for splitting on the wallet from which the payment was made.

The reward waiting time is 24 hours. For example, if you received a reward 20 hours ago and had 4 hours left until the next one, freezing or unfreezing Ultima will reset the waiting period to 24 hours. Therefore, we recommend requesting your reward first, and then freezing the tokens.

On the screen that opens, you will see your available balance for freezing (Available Balance) and the total amount of frozen tokens (Total Frozen Balance):

To freeze tokens, click the Freeze button. On the next screen that opens, you will be prompted to enter the number of tokens to freeze. Enter the desired amount and click the Confirm button:

Next, you need to verify the amount to be frozen and confirm the action by clicking the Freeze button:

You will then need to confirm the action with your PIN code:

If everything is done correctly, you will see a congratulatory screen indicating that the tokens were successfully frozen:

Unfreezing Tokens

You can unfreeze tokens 10 minutes after freezing. To do this, return to the freezing menu. At the bottom of the screen, click the Unfreeze button.

On the screen that opens, enter the amount you want to unfreeze and click Unfreeze:

On the next screen, verify the amount and confirm the unfreezing by clicking the Unfreeze button:

Confirm the action with your PIN code. After this, you will see a screen indicating that the process was successful:

Now let's talk about how to request rewards.

Next, click SPLITTING: 

Click Claim Reward if your tokens are ready for splitting:

On this screen, you will have access to the following information:

MY FROZEN BUSINESS SPLIT 2.0 TOKENS — the number of frozen SPLIT tokens in your balance;

TOTAL FROZEN BUSINESS SPLIT TOKENS — the total number of frozen BSP 2.0 tokens in the blockchain;

DAILY REWARD — the daily amount of ULTIMA tokens distributed among BSP 2.0 holders;

Current block — shows the current block in the blockchain;

Final block — shows the last block for the current halving period;

MY ESTIMATED REWARD — the estimated reward amount.

In the next window, you will need to confirm the splitting by checking the box and clicking the Confirm button:

Done! You have successfully claimed your reward:

You can view the received reward by clicking on ULTIMA in the list of available assets.

To conclude our guide, we draw your attention to the rules of splitting that you should be aware of when working with the product:

Don't forget to participate in splitting and get rewards every day! Best of luck!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact support, and we will be happy to assist you.

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