The reward calculator is a convenient tool that allows you to calculate the potential reward size for Ultima DeFi-U's key product, depending on your budget. Each pool has its own calculator, helping users choose the optimal product. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the reward calculator for the BOOSTER pool.

You can use the calculator yourself, or share the link with someone who wants to become a user of DeFi-U, to demonstrate the possibilities of the BOOSTER pool.

The calculator is available on the Ultima Business website in the “Promo Materials” section. To share the calculator link with others, check the box next to “I allow sharing my contact information.” After this, you will be able to copy the link to the calculator.

Let’s get started with the BOOSTER pool calculator. To do so, go to the “Promo Materials” section and select the BOOSTER SPLIT calculator.

At the top of the calculator page, you’ll see a field labeled "Your Budget" — here, you need to enter the amount in euros you are willing to spend on the product. Enter your budget in euros in the field.

You can also select a package from the available options in the “Contract Package” field. The calculator will provide you with a calculation based on the selected package. In this case, the required budget for purchasing the products will appear in the “Your Budget” field.

You can also select a contract at the bottom of the screen:

Enter an amount in euros in the "Your Budget" field or select a package in the “Contract Package” field.

The calculator will provide the following data:

All values are also mirrored on the smartphone screen on the right:

Remember, you can calculate your potential reward not only with the current rate but also by setting your own rate in the "End rate" field, as demonstrated earlier.

Now you’re familiar with the reward calculator. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team.

We are confident the calculator will be a useful tool in your work. Wishing you success and high profits!

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