Dear users!

The Ultima ecosystem operates with two core technologies: staking and splitting. In this guide, we’ll break down how both technologies work and their key differences.


Staking on the Ultima blockchain is the process where users stake (lock) their ULTIMA coins to support the network and receive key network resources in return, such as Bandwidth and Energy, which are necessary for executing transactions and smart contracts, and ULTIMA Power, which is necessary for voting for super representatives.

Bandwidth is required for all transactions in the network. If you have sufficient bandwidth, the transaction fee in ULTIMA is not deducted! Each account receives 1,500 Bandwidth units daily, so if you want to make more cost-effective transactions, it's recommended to stake more ULTIMA for Bandwidth.

Energy is the fuel for smart contracts. It is necessary for splitting, token transactions, and other blockchain operations. A minimum of 60,000 Energy units is recommended.

ULTIMA Power is used for voting. It is generated from staked ULTIMA coins (1 staked ULTIMA = 1 vote). Please note that if a user has 2.5 ULTIMA staked, they will receive 2 votes.

What you should know:

— The minimum staking amount is 1 ULTIMA.

— Network resources can be delegated to other users. The minimum delegatable amount must be equivalent to 0.01 ULTIMA or more.

— Unblocking coins is possible at any time, but the process takes 30 days.

— Users can only use resources while their coins remain staked.


Splitting is a unique blockchain technology developed by the Ultima team. Currently, splitting is exclusive to the Ultima ecosystem. It enables users to get daily cryptocurrency rewards without requiring expensive equipment or technical knowledge—just a smartphone with a crypto wallet installed!

Unlike traditional crypto mining, splitting allows users to claim their rewards every 24 hours and use them immediately for trading on exchanges, purchases of other products, or other purposes.

Splitting is based on liquidity pools—decentralized blockchain-based systems that automatically distribute rewards among participants. The blockchain issues rewards from the liquidity pool according to predefined smart contract rules. The smart contract is algorithmically programmed to reward users who increase market liquidity. The right to receive rewards is determined by special shares called splits. Splits are a type of token with a unique purpose: to define a user's right to a reward.

The reward is calculated using a simple formula: The daily pool reward is divided by the total number of frozen split tokens in the system. This step determines the reward amount per split token. Then, each participant receives their reward proportionally to the number of frozen split tokens they hold. In other words, the reward per split token is multiplied by the number of tokens frozen by each participant. Thus, the more split tokens you freeze, the higher your reward.

To obtain splits, you need to purchase a special product that grants you split tokens. This product can be paid for by freezing ULTIMA coins. Once the freezing period ends, all ULTIMA coins used for the purchase can be requested and returned.

Key features and benefits:

— Splitting rewards can be claimed every 24 hours.

— To participate in splitting, users must purchase a contract package that provides split tokens (paid by freezing ULTIMA coins).

— Frozen coins for package payment become available for unfreezing after three years.

A step-by-step guide to start splitting:

— Download and install the SMART Wallet.

— Register at and purchase a contract package.

— Transfer your split tokens to the SMART Wallet.

— Freeze your split tokens.

— Start claiming rewards from the liquidity pools.

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