In this article, we will introduce you to the SMART blockchain explorer—a website where you can find comprehensive information about the SMART blockchain.

What is a blockchain explorer?

A blockchain explorer, or block explorer, is a website for visualizing blocks, transaction history, and blockchain metrics. Each network has its own explorer. You cannot use the same explorer for Bitcoin and Ethereum simultaneously; instead, independent explorers such as and are used. The SMART blockchain has its own explorer—smartexplorer.

A block explorer can be compared to a search engine, but instead of searching the entire internet, it provides information within a specific blockchain.

Why block explorers are necessary

In this article, we will familiarize you with the SMART blockchain explorer.

Overview of the SMART Blockchain Explorer


Visit the site at this link

On the homepage, you will see the block explorer. It is divided into two columns: blocks in the first column and transactions in the second. At the top of the screen, there are widgets showing the Last Transactions History and the Accounts Growth.

In the "Blocks" column, you can see the most recent blocks being generated in the blockchain in real time. The first number indicates the "height" of the block or its number:

If you click on a block, detailed information about it will open. The longest number is the generated block. You can copy it, paste it into the address bar, and find it.

Here, you will also see the following information: time of block creation (Time), previous block (Previous block), created by (Created by), size (Size).

What can you learn about a transaction using the Explorer?

Open any transaction in the explorer by simply clicking on a generated block:

A page with detailed transaction information will open:

Owner Address — this is the transaction sender's address;

Contract Address — this is the contract address.

Value is calculated in SMART and shows how much SMART was deducted for conducting the transaction.

In the SRC20 Transfers section, the following transaction details are specified:

Consume Bandwidth shows how much bandwidth was consumed for the transaction. It also indicates how much SMART was burned to obtain this amount of bandwidth. In this case, we see that no SMART coins were burned: Burn 0 SMART for bandwidth.

Consume Energy shows how much energy was consumed for the transaction. Here, similar to Bandwidth, you can see how much SMART was spent to obtain this amount of energy. In this case, the transaction required 80,850 energy, for which 1,697.85 SMART was burned.

In Method Calling, you can learn the type of transaction. In this case, the type is transfer, which means a regular token transfer. For splitting transactions, the type is designated as takeReward.


This section helps us understand how the Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm works in the SMART blockchain.

Super Representatives

The first tab in this section is called Super Representatives. 

In the SMART blockchain, there are 27 super representatives. They are responsible for mining new blocks, forming new blocks every three seconds, and getting rewards for this. Super representatives work simultaneously. The system divides the mining among these 27 accounts so that each of them forms the network equally. Once the first account mines a block, it is removed from the list of participating accounts. This process continues until all 27 accounts have created a new block. The Real-time Block Distribution widget shows which super representative has recently closed a block:

To become a super representative, an account (i.e., wallet) must create its own node and pay 9,999 SMART. After this, the system assigns the status of a super representative candidate.

Scrolling down the page, you will see a list of current super representatives:

Let's take a closer look at the table. At the top of the table, you see the tabs SR Partners and SR Candidates — these are other network participants, along with the super representatives.

SR Partners

A super representative partner does not participate in block formation and does not build the network but still gets rewards for votes.

SR Candidates

There can be up to 127 candidates in the network. Any account can apply for candidate status. After voting, this account can become a partner or a super representative.

Votes section and Voting System in the SMART Blockchain

The Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm is based on voting. Candidates for super representatives and the super representatives themselves are elected through voting. People vote for super representatives and candidates who will mine blocks in our network.

Voting in the network takes place every six hours. This means that the list of super representatives can change every six hours. The countdown to the next voting round is displayed on the Next Round widget:

The Real-time total votes in this round widget shows the total number of votes cast during this round.

Below the widgets, you can see who voted for whom, the percentage distribution of votes, and which account received the most votes:

Parameters & Proposals

The last tab in the Governance section is called Parameters & Proposals.

Every super representative, super representative partner and super representative candidate has the right to make proposals. Only super representatives have the right to vote on proposals. If at least 18 SRs vote for a proposal, it will be applied to the network parameters in the next blockchain maintenance period.

This is another advantage of Delegated Proof-of-Stake — network participants can not only mine blocks but also make constructive changes to the network parameters through proposals.

Data Section 

This section stores information about staking SMART.

In the real-time updating table, you can find out:

Thus, in this article, we have told you what the SMART blockchain explorer is. We hope that after studying the material, you will have no questions about its operation, and if questions arise, our support specialists will be happy to answer them.

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