To receive rewards from the PREMIUM pool in ULTIMA with the DeFi-U product, you need to withdraw PREMIUM SPLIT tokens to your wallet in the SMART Wallet app. Don't forget to update your wallet to the latest version and activate it to carry out transactions with SPLIT tokens. To activate, simply transfer 1 SMART to your wallet. Please note that you need to enable two-factor authentication to withdraw tokens.

To withdraw SPLIT tokens, open the dashboard on the DeFi-U website and select PREMIUM SPLIT in the upper right corner.

At the top left, you will see the available balance "My PREMIUM SPLIT" with a "Payout" button. Click on this button.

A window will open where you need to select the balance to withdraw. Choose the "Available PREMIUM SPLIT" balance and click "Next Step".

In the opened window, you will need to paste the address of your PREMIUM SPLIT wallet into the "Wallet address" field (the address can be copied from the Smart Wallet).

Paste the copied address, enter the amount of PREMIUM SPLIT you want to withdraw in the field next to the address, and click the "Transfer" button.

A window will open where you need to enter the two-factor authentication code. Open the Google Authenticator app and enter the current code from the app in the corresponding field.

If everything is done correctly, you will see a message that the token withdrawal request has been created. The tokens will soon be transferred to the wallet address you provided.

You can find the payout history in the "Payouts”, “History" section.

If you have any questions, please contact support, and we will be happy to assist you.

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