At Ultima Store, you can purchase a voucher bundle for topping up the Ultima Card crypto debit card. In this guide, we will show you how to buy the package and activate it on the website. 

Step 1. Purchasing the uCrypto Card TopUp Bundle on Ultima Store 

Go to the website and sign in by clicking Sign In.

Find the uCrypto Card TopUp Bundle in the list of available vouchers and click Buy Now:

In the window that opens, fill in all the required fields and click on the Use This Address button:

Next, select the Cashback Points payment method and click on the Place Order button:

The Smart Pay payment system window will open. Click on Yeah, I Want That to confirm the payment:

Done! You have paid for the product — you will see a confirmation message on the screen:

To return to Ultima Store, click Continue Shopping. Now, in the top right corner, select My Account:

Click My Orders on the left menu. On the orders page that opens, select the Completed section (successfully completed orders). Here you will see all the vouchers you have purchased.

Click on the down arrow to see detailed information about your voucher:

You will see the type of voucher purchased, the date the order was placed, the quantity, and the value: 

To access the list of vouchers for payment at the website, click on the My Vouchers button. The list of vouchers will open, expand it by clicking on the arrow on the left:

To get an activation code, click on the Get Voucher button. A voucher code will appear on the screen in the Voucher Code column. Copy it. You can also download the voucher in PDF format by clicking the copy icon in the Action column.

The next voucher will become available after 30 days.

You can use your voucher immediately at the website to pay for goods! 

Step 2: Voucher activation

The code activation takes place at the website in the Recharge section. To use the voucher purchased on the Ultima Store, select the Voucher recharge method by checking the appropriate box:

Then enter the code in the appropriate field and click on the Verify button next to the code:

Information about recharging the card will be available in the Recharge window:

Done! You have successfully activated your voucher!

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