This is the first pool in the history of the Ultima ecosystem where participants can get rewards in the form of new Ultima tokens by freezing their Ultima. To participate in the pool, you don’t need to purchase licenses or contracts—simply freeze your Ultima in the Smart Wallet!

This has been made possible by Splitting 3.0—a new and improved technology for generating Ultima, with the key feature being the freezing of tokens. With just a few clicks, you can start receiving daily rewards from the pool through the SMART Wallet app!

All you need to get started is to freeze any amount in your wallet, wait 24 hours for your reward to accumulate, and then claim it by clicking the Claim Reward button. After that, a new 24-hour countdown will begin. This process will continue as long as the tokens remain frozen. You will be able to unfreeze your Ultima tokens three months after freezing them.

Rewards are calculated using a simple formula: the daily reward is divided by the total number of tokens frozen in the pool. The resulting value is then multiplied by the number of tokens frozen by the user.

In this section, you will find instructions on how to work with the Ultima Pool and other useful materials.